Ruby & Friends | Grand Opening

Ruby & Friends @ Ruby Gallery
15 October - 31 December 2020
19 Boulevard de Dixmude | Diksmuidelaan
1000 Brussels, Belgium

We are delighted to announce the Grand Opening of our new home: Ruby Gallery! A place where (street) artists and local residents feel at home and where the visitor becomes acquainted with a new generation of artists - a generation that doesn’t only work on canvas, but also on imposing walls or social networks.

The opening exhibition “Ruby & Friends” is zooming in on something that has suddenly become a lot less self-evident in the past six months: social contact. For the first time in history, we had to collectively think about which friendships we hold most dear, who would fit into our social bubble, and how we would interact with other people in our lives.

The answers to these questions can be found in the opening exhibition of Isaac Cordal (Spain), Joëlle Dubois (Belgium), Case Maclaim (Germany), Shirley Villavicencio Pizango (Peru / Belgium), Telmo Miel (Netherlands) and Wasted Rita (Portugal).

Image by Joëlle Dubois <3

Ruby & Friends @ Ruby Gallery
19 Boulevard de Dixmude | Diksmuidelaan
1000 Brussels, Belgium

Grand Opening 15-18 October:
Thursday - Sunday: 10am - 10pm
(corona proof, no reservation needed)

21 October - 31 December:
Wednesday - Friday: 12pm - 7pm
Saturday: 10am - 6pm

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